Individuals & Estate Heirs

Global Discoveries Ltd. has a long history of helping our clients collect what is rightfully theirs.  Over the past twelve years, we have helped thousands of people recover millions of dollars in unclaimed or lost assets!

Our research team is compiled of experienced professionals such as: Private Investigators, Skip Tracers and other trained professionals related to the field of discovering and recovering unclaimed or lost assets.  We apply our extensive knowledge and experience to a wide variety of cases. We are confident that, with our expertise and comprehensive research tools, we can resolve even the most complex recovery cases.

Locating people can be a complex business, with some people being relatively simple to locate and others more complex. The structured approach we take ensures that “No Stone Is Left Unturned”. 

Over the years we have used our experience along with partnering with other asset locators and forensic genealogical firms in an effort to solve thousands of cases relating to governmental and non-governmental agencies holding unclaimed and lost assets for various individuals and unknown and/or missing heirs and/or beneficiaries of estates.

Our Process Is Simple: We Do All The Work! – With No Upfront Costs!

We offer an unparalleled service to locate individuals or the legal heirs, beneficiaries or successors of the deceased, a process that requires skill, genealogical experience and great accuracy. Our verification process is thorough and allows for zero tolerance with confidentiality and discretion forming a fundamental part of our customer service.

For Information On The Probate Process (Click On Below Links)

Success Stories

Denice Bryant  – GD 36366  – $44,926.56

“The fact their claims manager was very forthcoming with the information made the difference. I was always able to get them on the phone or by email. Their claims manager always responded right away with the answers or addressed my concerns.”

Michael Wolfe – GD 13557 – $121,996.70

“Thank you and your associates at Global Discoveries for your efforts to recover assets held for me. A special compliment is given for your referral to a contact at the California Department of Motor Vehicles who was able to expedite the renewal of my driver license. Special notice is also given to your legal associates in Florida for their timely intervention when multiple potential claimants arose. Your prompt and responsive cooperation with my personal representative enabled this claim to move forward quickly and successfully.”

Jose Cardenas – GD 25383 – $137,695.39

“I am grateful for your help, Global Discoveries, and your great team. Sincerity, honesty, and communication all the time. My gratitude and appreciation. Thank you.”

Jacqueline Rousseau – GD 20871 – $47,321.73

“What I liked best about the service is the transparency of the staff and especially the integrity of my claim’s manager. He keeps me informed and told me step by step what to expect, and he always followed up on his promises. I love, love, and love the service!!!”

Logan Jones – GD 17235 – $48,287.80

“I thought it was a scam! It is not! I was able to complete very little paperwork and my claims manager did the rest. It only took 5 months for this claim and another one to be paid. All I have to say is trust Global Discoveries!”

Ferdinand and Zenalda – GD 16623  – $118,417.60

“Our claims manager rendered a very excellent and professional service. I would like to say that he was God sent to us. After a few unfortunate events in my family like open heart surgery of my husband, lingering illness, and death of our mother, loss of jobs of myself and my husband—now I believe that there is indeed a silver lining at the end of the tunnel. With the unexpected funds we received because of Global’s diligence now we can pay off some big debts like student loans and IRS back taxes. Thank you very much to our claim’s manager and Global Discoveries! God bless you all!”

David & Nicki Viggiano – GD 29663 – $226,526.26

“Always accessible to answer questions. Very helpful walking us through this stressful process. Took the time which was greatly appreciated. Would highly recommend Global Discoveries!!”

Irminia Puentes – $88,197.48

“We like several things. First, our claims manager was excellent about keeping us informed throughout the process. Second, there was no hidden cost after payment was received.”

Mr. Bailey (Estate of Edith Stage) – GD 23078 – $913,910.40

“I have been extremely impressed by everyone’s positive attitude. Working our way back thru four generations of my family and proving I am the rightful heir required real skill and a lot of work. The original investors did not have social security numbers! Thanks!!”

Carlos E Zamora Melendez (Estate of Betty Granados) – GD 38469 – $61,076.35

“Several companies contacted me, but Global’s claims manager gave me a sense of confidence handling our funds. She was 100% of the time available, on fire from day one till the end. During the Pandemic she did everything that was in her power to keep on top of handling things and informing me. If I would need to use their services again I would definitely. “

James Fuller, Estate of Kevin Fuller – GD 30913 – $91,500.00

“What we liked best was the personal attention received from our claim’s manager, I feel, was beyond the normal course of business. Many thanks.”

Brad J. Serji (Estate of Benjamin Serji) – $76,906.31

“They didn’t give up. Other companies and lawyers gave up! Thank you so much for your help!”

Rudy Lee (Estate of Sharon Edward) – $67,475.0

“Our claims manager was always very clear on what was needed, and very courteous! I was a bit skeptical in the beginning, however, she dispelled those feelings. We did receive the check the same day I received this letter. Thank you so much!”

Matt Hathaway (Trustee, Hathaway Revocable Trust) – GD 27250 – $312,101.00

“I am speaking for myself and brothers and sister when I say, “Thank You” for finding and getting us over $300,000. Without your guidance and expertise, I would have never even known that this money existed, nor would I have known how to get it. You have been so helpful throughout the entire process. Your one-on-one communication and explanations of the details have made the very confusing and complicated process we had to follow easy to understand. I truly believe you are providing the world a great service. After working with you for a couple of years on this one claim for excess proceeds from the sale of father’s estate I can honestly say that you are the perfect person for the job. Your honesty and diligence are greatly appreciated, and I am grateful for your professional and personal etiquette. What a blessing for me and my family to have worked with you.”

The Garcia Joint Living Trust – GD 25081 – $50,042.2

“Honesty and integrity! I was approached by phone by several companies after Global Discoveries, Ltd., and may I say Brett did everything he said. If only I could help others by recommending your company I would. Your company is what professionalism is about. Thank you for restoring trust in a world of wolves! It’s a wonderful feeling. Thank you to our claim’s manager!”

The Huguette M. Thornburgh Trust (Mary Evans) – GD 35340 – $403,067.00

“Global was very attentive to the needs of myself and our family in France. This never would have gotten done without their expertise. I honest thought that this claim would go nowhere, but here we are!! Thank your Global Discoveries!! You were truly a Godsend!”